
Showing posts from June, 2021

Cheers!!! To all father’s out there

There a popular dictum which I remember “One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters”. Fathers are no more associated with just keeping with the financial needs of the family. In today’s scenario, fathers are playing a great role as a home maker or more preciously a multi tasker. Isn’t? If women have come far away and with the lightning speed, they are just flying high. Then, the male power is no less as they are serving plethora of roles in helping the females with every kind of household work. The outspread of coronavirus has actually created the best chefs in the houses and some of the males are actually cooking more than tea, coffee and just Maggi. Lockdown has actually broken the stereotypes as men are actually making an expedition in the kitchen and trying their hands at cooking. Males are also pitching in and sharing hands with women in domestic and household chores. Amazing know how males are racing in to work in women’s domain. Reminiscing memories, I remember how my f