Cheers!!! To all father’s out there

There a popular dictum which I remember “One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters”. Fathers are no more associated with just keeping with the financial needs of the family. In today’s scenario, fathers are playing a great role as a home maker or more preciously a multi tasker. Isn’t? If women have come far away and with the lightning speed, they are just flying high. Then, the male power is no less as they are serving plethora of roles in helping the females with every kind of household work.

The outspread of coronavirus has actually created the best chefs in the houses and some of the males are actually cooking more than tea, coffee and just Maggi. Lockdown has actually broken the stereotypes as men are actually making an expedition in the kitchen and trying their hands at cooking. Males are also pitching in and sharing hands with women in domestic and household chores. Amazing know how males are racing in to work in women’s domain.

Reminiscing memories, I remember how my father use to prepare tea for me in the morning to wake me up during my school days for my studies. In the childhood, whenever my father use to get time, he use to teach me how to ride a bicycle, be with me holding my cycle from backside and use to give me confidence that yes, I am behind you supporting you. That support system has been backing me till now. That is why it is said that if a mother is sunshine for a child, then father is the one that provides shade in the journey of life.

My father is fond of eating fruits and green vegetables and so he always use to say: “Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables which will be good for your health”. It is not only the role of a mother to make a child realize the importance of good eating habits. In fact, an amalgamation of a father and mother in the upbringing of a child can work wonders and reduce the burden of a women also.

My father has been a ray of hope in my life. He is a man who has always been brimming with positivity and good vibes. If I use to secure low marks sometimes then he was the one who use to always give me examples in order to motivate me and make me realize that failures are always a learning experience for you.

Thank you, papa, for all these little things which you did for me which actually made a person that I am today. Want to wish you “Happy Father’s Day”. May you be blessed with happiness, good health and well-being in abundance. Cheers to all the fathers, fatherhood, across the world for supporting, caring and considerate towards their children and being so amazing fathers. Father rock!!! If you also remember some incidences of you and your father share it with me in the comments. Enjoy the day with your father and create some mesmerising memories which you can cherish for lifetime.  


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