
Showing posts from 2019

Raise Your Voice

Ahh!! Sexy hai boss………. Hey baby!!! Chalti h kya………. And these types of scastic comments are endless and can go on and on. Sometimes, I don’t realize what do the males think they are doing by passing such nasty comments for the females. Whether they are boys or middle-aged men or for that sake anyone what is their motive behind just whistling when they see a girl or saying something which is not at all acceptable. Such men don’t realize what they are doing to that girl, to her confidence, to her mindset. They just keep doing such gobbledygook act. Some questions just keep lingering in my mind: Why are people being educated? What are they studying? What is the impact the schooling is laying on them? It is to say whether its 19 th century where Sunday schools were set up to educate the people at chapels or its 20 th century where fundamental focus was laid on child, science and society or the present 21 st century where the education system is far more developed focus

Democracy in Relations

“Don’t panic you are big enough to take good care of yourself” came a stern voice as I was over a phone call. My roommate was consoling me over the call. That was the first day at my new job and I was returning from my office in an auto-rickshaw. I was busy on my phone checking Facebook, Insta. Suddenly, I realized that I was way ahead of my PG. I stopped the auto-rickshaw and began to scold him for not dropping me at the assigned place. I got off the auto not realizing that which place it was what time it was. As it was a new place for me, I could not recognize the surroundings and felt that I am lost. It was night time, the road was vacant, the silence was creeping as the night was making its way. I was in danger, pessimism surrounded me from all the directions. I was walking down the streets asking someone or the other but all in vain. Then, I thought of calling my roommate. She instructed me to calm down and asked me about my surroundings as she was aware about the place

Dazzle with Your Writing Skills

Today when I came back from a party my mind was occupied with some cheesy talks of the people around. Someone commented to me “You have chosen an easy profession, isn’t?” I couldn’t answer at that point of time but the afterthoughts gave me a reason to write this post. Writing seems calm, relaxed to those who are not in this profession. But my views are somewhat diverse and dissimilar in this regard. You can climb a staircase but climbing Everest is hard. You can catch a bus while running at a bus stop but running a complete marathon is completely different. Writing is hard, it’s not an icing on the cake to just pen down your thoughts and feelings in stroke of an hour. It takes creativity, courage, fearlessness, daring, valour to write even something about yourself. It’s true. For those who want to adopt writing as their career, first and foremost they must be open minded. Why am I saying open-minded? This is because, everyone can’t be Jeff Keller, Dr. Joseph Murphy or

Writer in the Making- An Eye Opener

I came across this competition and it got me thinking about ‘my calling’. I want to just build on my own experience!   “Your Calling—Your Story” a writing contest by the Positive Writer .    If you follow this link, you will see what it is all about.  If you have a blog, you can enter this competition. Chetan Bhagat, Ravinder Singh- are some of the names which inspired me to kick off my journey as a budding writer. Will I be able to write? Will I be a good writer? Which genre will I pen down? Were some of the questions that kept lingering in my mind. Then, there came a turning point in my life where I was compelled to write my first research paper in order to complete my MTech degree. Amidst all the circumstances, I was relishing writing that manifesto. I was unaware that was a watershed in my life. “I stopped looking for the light. Decided to become it instead”. The journey has been a roller coaster ride with ups and downs. Being a content writer, I had to undergo inter