Democracy in Relations

“Don’t panic you are big enough to take good care of yourself” came a stern voice as I was over a phone call. My roommate was consoling me over the call. That was the first day at my new job and I was returning from my office in an auto-rickshaw. I was busy on my phone checking Facebook, Insta. Suddenly, I realized that I was way ahead of my PG. I stopped the auto-rickshaw and began to scold him for not dropping me at the assigned place. I got off the auto not realizing that which place it was what time it was.

As it was a new place for me, I could not recognize the surroundings and felt that I am lost. It was night time, the road was vacant, the silence was creeping as the night was making its way. I was in danger, pessimism surrounded me from all the directions. I was walking down the streets asking someone or the other but all in vain. Then, I thought of calling my roommate. She instructed me to calm down and asked me about my surroundings as she was aware about the place.

She said you are near the place just don’t stress and let nearby people know that you are somewhat lost. I managed to hire a rickshaw puller and he helped me in reaching safely in my PG. As soon as I reached, it felt as if I had won some match. Actually, I had won over my fear i.e. the fear of being lost and then finding my way back. The credit goes to my roommate. She was the one who guided me to my brighter side, just break in the clouds and offering me comforting prospect. That was the tie of friendship.

You must be wondering why I narrated this story with you. This is to illustrate that there exists a relation which is democratic. Yes!!! Friendship is democratic in nature. Friendship is a bond that we choose our self, we feel liberated, blooming us with joy and happiness. Friendship day is celebrated in the month of August. To cherish this bond of understanding, sharing and caring there is not a single day instead it forms the essence of everyone’s life. We are liberated to cherry pick our friends at every age be it school, college or during corporate life.

Do you want to be judged? Do you want democracy be judged? Some are of the opinion that freedom is the ultimate idea, while others are of the opinion that happiness must be the fundamental goal in any relation. Everyone has a diverse perspective but all will give their mutual consent that democracy is conducive to friendship. Friendship is not having the cost-analyses benefit for economists, instead it forms the crux of a good life.

We must build a democratic society where positive thoughts prevail like freedom of association, putting humaneness of ideals and defined by particularity. Friendship is a relation which must be flourishing just as democracy in all our relations. So, people let’s make the bond of friendship alive in all our relations.  


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