Raise Your Voice

Ahh!! Sexy hai boss……….
Hey baby!!! Chalti h kya……….
And these types of scastic comments are endless and can go on and on. Sometimes, I don’t realize what do the males think they are doing by passing such nasty comments for the females. Whether they are boys or middle-aged men or for that sake anyone what is their motive behind just whistling when they see a girl or saying something which is not at all acceptable. Such men don’t realize what they are doing to that girl, to her confidence, to her mindset. They just keep doing such gobbledygook act.
Some questions just keep lingering in my mind:
Why are people being educated? What are they studying? What is the impact the schooling is laying on them?
It is to say whether its 19th century where Sunday schools were set up to educate the people at chapels or its 20th century where fundamental focus was laid on child, science and society or the present 21st century where the education system is far more developed focusing on improving the skills of the students, the delinquent evil of eve teasing is all pervasive.  
We are living in the age where everything from minimalism to maximalism to androgyny and athleisure is widely accepted and celebrated. This opens up the choice of being dressed in whatever way you like. Am I Right? Or I should portray it this way that there is no cap of what is right or what is wrong but sense of style, trend, fashion is all what is critical. Then, why are we still not able to accept the fact that girls have a life, they can work during daytime as well as during night time, they can dress in what they love.
We see every now and then there are rules and regulations, laws are being passed and amended for the betterment and security of females.
Ø  The Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956 

Ø  The Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 (28 of 1961) (Amended in 1986)

Ø  The Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, 1986

Ø  The Commission of Sati (Prevention) Act, 1987 (3 of 1988)

Ø  Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005

Ø  The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (PREVENTION, PROHIBITION and REDRESSAL) Act, 2013

Ø  The Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013
But why can’t we eradicate this evil practice of eve teasing from our society. Why can’t the boys just shut their bloody mouth and think thousand times before they utter some shit for a girl.    
We girls are many times suppressed and forced to hush our voice when such things happen at public places for the sake of our parents, reputation and all that blah blah. My motive of writing this post is to create awareness and incite amongst all the girls that we can only stop this evil practice by raising our voices so that no boy can hurt the sentiments of the girl they are aiming to.     
This is a high time now that we need to take massive steps to prevent this practice. We girls don’t just have to be silent but have to speak up and make a shout out to all the boys who avant garde their power by showcasing such trivial comments.
For all those who practice eve teasing, this once for you all:
“If you want to tease girls, start it from your mother and sister.”


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