
Showing posts from 2021

Relishing that one sip of tea!

  Get me a cup of tea mom, I am feeling tired. It’s raining outside let’s have a cup of tea with some bhajias. I will study till 4 AM, let me make a cup of tea for myself. A chi!!! Sneeze! Sneeze! I am suffering from cold. A ginger tea will work. Will you have a cup of tea or coffee? I will have some tea.  Let’s go and have a hot cup of tea dude, I had an argument with my manager. Good morning! Where is my bed tea? Oh, it’s time for snacks, who all will have tea? Me! Me! Me! There must be different reasons for you all for having that one sip of tea, Isn’t? Tea connects us all. Whether its guest coming or someone not feeling well or evening time or someone has just returned from work and if someone is fasting then a cup of tea can do wonders. Reasons may be different but we all love our cup of tea at any time of the day. Did you know? The concept of tea came into existence in the year 1853. Since, then the tea has become a part and parcel of humans in their every day

Cheers!!! To all father’s out there

There a popular dictum which I remember “One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters”. Fathers are no more associated with just keeping with the financial needs of the family. In today’s scenario, fathers are playing a great role as a home maker or more preciously a multi tasker. Isn’t? If women have come far away and with the lightning speed, they are just flying high. Then, the male power is no less as they are serving plethora of roles in helping the females with every kind of household work. The outspread of coronavirus has actually created the best chefs in the houses and some of the males are actually cooking more than tea, coffee and just Maggi. Lockdown has actually broken the stereotypes as men are actually making an expedition in the kitchen and trying their hands at cooking. Males are also pitching in and sharing hands with women in domestic and household chores. Amazing know how males are racing in to work in women’s domain. Reminiscing memories, I remember how my f

Rajma Stories!!!

  Food is always special it’s not meant to just satiate your hunger but it is a feeling, an emotion and a conversation over food be it official meetings or a party or anything food serves as a connection. I hope you all will agree with my perception. Are you fantasising what to have in lunch? How about a bowl of Rajma served with some hot rice with a dollop of ghee and onion rings? The thought of this traditional combo makes my mouth start watering. “Finger licking Rajma served with steamed jeera rice” The authentic comforting food can satiate you completely Isn’t? You must be wondering why I gave the blog title as Rajma Stories. Everyone has his or her story associated with Rajma and rice. Whether its mother’s love served with extra ghee on top or enjoying rajma rice with your friend in a Dhabba with that chit chat or it can be just cooking for yourself and relishing a mix of rajma chawal. Whatever it may be everyone can link themselves with this grain which is full of proteins and

Amalgamating food with meeting new people

  Meeting new people is like broadening your perspective in all breadth. Some will feel the same while others might not. Life is making new friends, getting to know their views and sharing yours and on and on. It was a nice 40 minutes catch up with some new-fangled people. Today, in the evening 15 minutes past 7, I was asked by my hubby that some of his old friend is in town. We quickly got ready and just went to the place where his friend was waiting. We met on Mall road in Nainital. We all shake hands with each other and greeted with all beautiful smiles. We entered a café “Pots and Stones”. We booked a table for four of us including me, my husband, his friend and his fiancé. The café had a pleasant ambiance, some good English songs was there to just pep up our mood. There were sofas sitting as well as chair sitting. We choose a sofa sitting where the table was lit with an old lamp at the top. My husband Siddharth is an advocate and his friend Akshay also happens to be an advocate