Amalgamating food with meeting new people


Meeting new people is like broadening your perspective in all breadth. Some will feel the same while others might not. Life is making new friends, getting to know their views and sharing yours and on and on. It was a nice 40 minutes catch up with some new-fangled people. Today, in the evening 15 minutes past 7, I was asked by my hubby that some of his old friend is in town. We quickly got ready and just went to the place where his friend was waiting. We met on Mall road in Nainital. We all shake hands with each other and greeted with all beautiful smiles.

We entered a café “Pots and Stones”. We booked a table for four of us including me, my husband, his friend and his fiancé. The café had a pleasant ambiance, some good English songs was there to just pep up our mood. There were sofas sitting as well as chair sitting. We choose a sofa sitting where the table was lit with an old lamp at the top. My husband Siddharth is an advocate and his friend Akshay also happens to be an advocate and so was his fiancé. They three were just sharing their experiences being a lawyer.

Akshay and his fiancé practiced in Delhi and they were practicing in Delhi district court. Akshay was just narrating how is Delhi’ life mixed with hustle and how busy and occupied their lives happens to be. Siddharth joined by saying that life in Nainital happens to be more peaceful and chilled out when equated to Delhi. In between all this we ordered something to drink. We ordered a cold coffee, choco blast, mojito and expresso. I was relishing my coffee and was enjoying their communication. They both were recalling college memories, with whom they were in touch with and some of entertaining persons who use to entertain them with their silly talks. They used some phrases like “Next level ka banda”, “charsi” and as you know is obvious as they belonged to the most happening college Amity University.

It's astonishing how a chat over an evening coffee was so comforting and uplifting. This is the connecting quotient that food serves in our lives. Then, it was time to say bye as we had to leave. We just bid farewell to them and wished them all the best for their new life. Will keep on posting more stories related with food. Stay tuned.


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