Parenting: The New Age Buzz


You must be wondering why this title. The face of parenting has transformed drastically from traditional parenting to new age parenting. However, parenting techniques and procedures have completely revolutionized the new-age childcare. Traditional parenting circulated across living up to the expectations of the parents. Whether it’s the cultural beliefs, values, respect, or obeying the authoritative nature of the parents. I am not saying that traditional parenting did not permit children to be independent or restricted their freedom in any way. The outcome of traditional parenting techniques was higher academic achievements, fewer psychological issues, and lower behavioral problems.

As a parent, you might be aware of some of the fundamental parenting styles including authoritarian, neglectful, authoritative, and permissive. However, child psychology is quite different. According to Diana Baumrind and other Stanford researchers, John Martin and Eleanor Maccoby child psychology can be understood by trying these four parenting styles.

Patience is Power

Most of you might be familiar with this. Almost every parent is undergoing a new chapter in their lives every day. With this series of blogs, I am going to narrate different fulcrums that can make parenting the icing on the cake.

Parenting is governed by diverse fulcrums. I am going to discuss every fulcrum in every blog. Let’s unfold the first fulcrum. Patience! Patience! Patience!  Do not be speculative why I have mentioned this thrice. Persistence looks like a simple term but it is an expression, an emotion, a feeling in itself. Patience speaks louder than words. If the parents learn to deal calmly and rationally with their children, then they can concentrate on the bigger picture rather than just battling with day-to-day hassles.

Patience adds more power to your capability to accept any setback and lets you enjoy life with more satisfaction. With perseverance, you can step each ladder of success by making more productive decisions as parents. Parents who are patient with their children have a greater sense of gratitude towards everything that life unfolds.

Practicing Patience with children who are the future of the nation

Parenting is a lesson, an experience that parents learn with time. If you want that your kids must follow good habits then you have to preach what you say. Don’t just ask your kids to have patience, you must practice before them. This will make a huge difference in your family’s life. Just as you keep using your phone or laptop, you need to let patience intervenes now and then. This will add balance to your life.

Expectations if made unreasonable can be one of the reasons to destroy your relationship with your children. Therefore, you must keep your expectations appropriate to the age of your children. Further, you must be reasonable with your expectations from your kids. This will help build a strong relationship with your children.

You need to invest more in your parent-child relationship and then you will receive results. You will automatically inculcate patience in your everyday routine once you focus on your relationship more.

Despite bearing down, as parents, you can restate your expectations. You must rethink your schedule, re-evaluate your strategy, and relax. This will help your children provide space and will give them time to absorb your outlook. They will work on their potential when you actively work on the problems and do not react to your frustration.   

Get going parents, you need to start practicing this power of patience from today. Patience can bring a huge transformation in your life.

“Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting”. With that said, ending this blog let’s hope to put an end to our difficulties with the magic of patience. Keep reading as the next blog will convey one more fulcrum of parenting.


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