How Coronavirus: A serious pandemic are caused by hidden global warming

Worried about Covid19 outbreak? Yes, it’s a serious concern. Here is my take on Covid19.

Global warming is on the rise and can be attributed as one of the reasons of pandemics like Covid19 in numerous ways:
·        We all are aware of the fact that global warming is extinguishing the natural habitat of most of the wild animals. This led to some of the wild animals like bats to come in close connection with the humans which enhances the zoology virus to come to humans. Covid19 virus outbreak is owing to this reason.
·        In addition to this, global warming is also leading to more famines, hunger and failure of crops. The impact of this is even worsening the situation i.e. poor families are compelled to capture and hunt for the animals and eat more of the wild animals. This will surely cause the animal virus to reach humans in a much faster way. This can also be attributed as one of the fundamental reasons which led to the outbreak of coronavirus which was an animal market.
·        The age-old permafrost, tundra is all melting due to an increase in global warming which is again leading to increase in the frozen bacteria, viruses which humans are not well versed with. As and when the ice cover melts, many new infections will release for which we humans have no cure, antidote or vaccines.
·        The rise in the temperature of earth will also be one of the reasons which will lead to the outbreak of many pandemics, diseases and epidemics. This will hit the people in higher altitudes also where they have no strong immunity. Some of the diseases are west Nile disease, dengue, fever Chagas disease and others which are moving northwards and causing outbreaks.
·        The humans, animals and birds migrating due to increase in temperature level are causing spread of diseases and causing plague, Ebola, cholera and other harmful diseases.
We are witnessing that after every 100 years a pandemic outbreak occurs but due to excessive global warming it is possible that a greater number of pandemics occur in less than 100 years. It might be possible that the pandemics might be more frequent after every 10 years or even less than that.
I hope the world recovers from the severity of Covid19 sooner and make the effects of global warming less. Stay Safe!!!


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